Source code for sensitivity_calculator.utilities

Module holding functions that handle celestial emission, atmospheric behaviour and Telescope
import os
import enum
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
import astropy.constants as ac
from astropy.coordinates import AltAz, EarthLocation, Galactic
from import fits
from astropy_healpix import HEALPix
import astropy.units as u

SKA_DISH_DIAMETER = 15.0 * u.m
SKA_DISH_POINTING_ERROR = 10.0 * u.arcsec

STATIC_DATA_PATH = Path(__file__).resolve().parents[0] / "static"

[docs]class DishType(enum.Enum): """ Enumeration for different dish types """ MeerKAT = 0 SKA1 = 1 def __str__(self): return str(
[docs]class Celestial: """ Class to handle Celestial emission """ HASLAM_408 = ( STATIC_DATA_PATH / "resources" / "haslam408_ds_Remazeilles2014_nonIDL_nside256.fits" ) Tcmb = 2.73 * u.K def __init__(self): # open Haslam Healpix map and take a copy of the data hdul = self.hp = HEALPix( nside=hdul[1].header["NSIDE"], order=hdul[1].header["ORDERING"], frame=Galactic(), ) self.hp_data = np.array(hdul[1].data.field(0)) hdul.close() def _gaussian_beam(self, pixvals, offsets, fwhm): """Function to apply a Gaussian beam to a list of pixel values/offsets. The method assumes that all pixels have equal area. :param pixvals: the pixel values :type pixvals: scalar or astropy.units.Quantity :param offsets: pixel offsets from beam centre :type offsets: astropy.units.Quantity :param fwhm: the fwhm of the Gaussian :type fwhm: astropy.units.Quantity :return: the result at the beam centre of the convolution of the pixels with the Gaussian :rtype: same unit as pixvals """ sum = 0.0 sumwt = 0.0 c = / 2.355 for i, v in enumerate(pixvals): wt = np.exp(-offsets[i].to(u.arcmin) ** 2 / (2 * c ** 2)) sum += wt * v sumwt += wt return sum / sumwt
[docs] def calculate_Tgal( self, target, obs_freq, dish_type, alpha ): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Calculate Galactic Temperature TODO: Make use of target direction. :param target: target direction :type target: astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord :param obs_freq: observing frequency :type obs_freq: numpy array astropy.units.Quantity :param dish_type: the type of dish :type dish_type: DishType :param alpha: spectral index of emission :type alpha: float :return: brightness temperature of Galactic emission in beam :rtype: astropy.units.Quantity """ result = [] for i, v in enumerate(obs_freq): # Result assuming 50th percentile for Galactic contribution to Tsky. # This version passes current tests. # return u.K * 17.1 * (0.408 / obs_freq.to_value("GHz")) ** alpha # get Haslam map pixels within radius=beam_fwhm of target, # calculate pixel offsets from target fwhm = TelParams.dish_fwhm(v, dish_type) pixels = self.hp.cone_search_skycoord(target, radius=fwhm) pixvals = self.hp_data[pixels] skypixels = self.hp.healpix_to_skycoord(pixels) offsets = target.separation(skypixels) # convolve the pixels with the beam convolved_408 = self._gaussian_beam(pixvals, offsets, fwhm) result.append( convolved_408 * (0.408 / obs_freq[i].to_value("GHz")) ** alpha ) result = np.array(result) * u.K return result
# Auxiliary atmospheric methods and tables WEATHER_PWV = np.array([5, 10, 20]) T_ATM_PATH = STATIC_DATA_PATH / "lookups" / "T_atm.txt" TAU_PATH = STATIC_DATA_PATH / "lookups" / "tau.txt" T_atm_table = np.genfromtxt(T_ATM_PATH) Tau_table = np.genfromtxt(TAU_PATH) interp_atm = interp2d(T_atm_table[:, 0], WEATHER_PWV, T_atm_table[:, 1:].T) interp_tau = interp2d(Tau_table[:, 0], WEATHER_PWV, Tau_table[:, 1:].T)
[docs]class Atmosphere: """ Class to handle atmospheric properties """
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_Tatm(weather, obs_freq): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Calculate Atmospheric Temperature :param weather: PWV in mm :type weather: float :param obs_freq: observing frequency :type obs_freq: astropy.units.Quantity :return: Brightness temperature of atmosphere :rtype: astropy.units.Quantity """ freq_ghz = obs_freq.to_value("GHz") # Linear interpolate from lookup table values to find corresponding T_atm # for this frequency return u.K * interp_atm(freq_ghz, weather)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_tauz_atm(weather, obs_freq): """ Calculate atmospheric optical depth at zenith :param weather: PWV in mm :type weather: float :param obs_freq: observing frequency :type obs_freq: astropy.units.Quantity :return: optical depth :rtype: float """ freq_ghz = obs_freq.to_value("GHz") # Interpolate from lookup table to find zenith opacity (tau) based on observing frequency return interp_tau(freq_ghz, weather)
[docs] @staticmethod def tau_atm(weather, obs_freq, elevation): """ Get atmospheric optical depth at given elevation. :param weather: "Good", "Average" or "Bad" :type weather: str :param obs_freq: observing frequency :type obs_freq: astropy.units.Quantity :param elevation: target elevation :type elevation: astropy.units.Quantity :return: optical depth :rtype: float """ tauz = Atmosphere.get_tauz_atm(weather, obs_freq) zenith = 90.0 * u.deg - elevation tau = tauz / np.cos(zenith) tau[elevation <= 0.0 * u.deg] = -1.0 return tau
[docs]class TelParams: """ Class for handling Telescope Parameters """
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_Tspl(dish_type): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Calculate spillover temperature. This is signal from the ground that gets onto the detector. In reality it could depend on the alt/az pointing of the dish - for now it is assumed to be 3K for SKA1 and 4K for MeerKAT. :param dish_type: the type of dish :type dish_type: DishType :return: T spillover :rtype: astropy.units.Quantity """ if dish_type is DishType.SKA1: result = 3.0 * u.K elif dish_type is DishType.MeerKAT: result = 4.0 * u.K else: raise RuntimeError("bad dish_type: %s" % dish_type) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_Trcv(obs_freq, obs_band, dish_type): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Calculate Receiver Temperature. Works using obs freq only, not band. For SKA1 where bands overlap e.g. band 1, 2, returns the value reflecting the better performer. :param obs_freq: the observing frequency :type obs_freq: astropy.units.Quantity :param obs_band: the observing band ["Band 1", "Band 2", "Band 3", "Band 4", "Band 5a", "Band 5b"] :type obs_band: str :param dish_type: the type of dish :type dish_type: DishType :return: T receiver :rtype: astropy.units.Quantity """ obs_freq_ghz = np.array(obs_freq.to_value("GHz")) # can't check following as MeerKAT does not use bands # if obs_band not in ["Band 1", "Band 2", "Band 3", "Band 4", "Band 5a", "Band 5b"]: # raise RuntimeError("bad obs_band: %s" % obs_band) if dish_type is DishType.SKA1: if obs_band == "Band 1": if not np.all([0.35 <= obs_freq_ghz] and [obs_freq_ghz <= 1.05]): raise RuntimeError( "bad obs freq / band for SKA1: %s %s" % (obs_freq_ghz, obs_band) ) result = (15 + 30 * (obs_freq_ghz - 0.75) ** 2) * u.K elif obs_band in ["Band 2", "Band 3", "Band 4"]: if not np.all([0.95 <= obs_freq_ghz] and [obs_freq_ghz <= 5.18]): raise RuntimeError( "bad obs freq / band for SKA1: %s %s" % (obs_freq_ghz, obs_band) ) result = 7.5 * u.K * np.ones(obs_freq.shape) elif obs_band in ["Band 5a", "Band 5b"]: if not np.all([4.6 <= obs_freq_ghz] and [obs_freq_ghz <= 15.3]): raise RuntimeError( "bad obs freq / band for SKA1: %s %s" % (obs_freq_ghz, obs_band) ) result = (4.4 + 0.69 * obs_freq_ghz) * u.K else: raise RuntimeError("obs freq too high for SKA1: %s" % obs_freq_ghz) elif dish_type is DishType.MeerKAT: # commented out because SC does not properly account for different bands of MeerKAT # if obs_freq_ghz > 0.58 and obs_freq_ghz < 1.02: if np.all(obs_freq_ghz < 1.02): result = (11 - 4.5 * (obs_freq_ghz - 0.58)) * u.K elif np.all(obs_freq_ghz < 1.67): result = (7.5 + 6.8 * (abs(obs_freq_ghz - 1.65)) ** 1.5) * u.K else: result = 7.5 * u.K # commented out because SC does not properly account for different bands of MeerKAT # elif obs_freq_ghz < 3.05: # result = 7.5 * u.K # else: # raise RuntimeError('obs freq too high for MeerKAT: %s' % else: raise RuntimeError("bad dish_type: %s" % dish_type) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def dish_area(dish_type): """ Calculate geometric area of a specified dish type. :param dish_type: the type of dish :type dish_type: DishType :return: the dish area :rtype: astropy.units.Quantity """ if dish_type is DishType.SKA1: area = np.pi * (SKA_DISH_DIAMETER / 2) ** 2 elif dish_type is DishType.MeerKAT: area = np.pi * (MEERKAT_DISH_DIAMETER / 2) ** 2 else: raise RuntimeError("bad dish_type: %s" % dish_type) return area
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_dish_efficiency(obs_freq, dish_type): """ Calculate aperture efficiency taking into account losses from feedhorn illumination of the aperture, phase errors at the dish surface, and diffraction. :param obs_freq: the observing frequency :type obs_freq: astropy.units.Quantity :param dish_type: the type of dish :type dish_type: DishType :return: dish aperture efficiency :rtype: astropy.units.Quantity """ if dish_type is DishType.SKA1: # loss due to feedhorn illumination of the aperture eta_f = 0.92 - abs(0.04 * np.log10(obs_freq.to_value(u.GHz))) # Calculate observing wavelength wavelength = ac.c / obs_freq # Constants appropriate for design optics A_p = 0.89 # pylint: disable=invalid-name A_s = 0.98 # pylint: disable=invalid-name # Anticipated RMS surface errors of primary/secondary reflector surfaces eps_p = 280e-6 * u.m eps_s = 154e-6 * u.m # Path length error and corresponding phase error delta = 2 * ((A_p * eps_p ** 2) + (A_s * eps_s ** 2)) ** 0.5 delta_ph = (2 * np.pi * delta) / wavelength # loss due to phase error eta_ph = np.exp(-(delta_ph ** 2)) # loss due to diffraction eta_d = 1 - (20 * (wavelength / SKA_DISH_DIAMETER) ** 1.5) eta = eta_f * eta_ph * eta_d elif dish_type is DishType.MeerKAT: eta_f = 0.8 - abs(0.04 * np.log10(obs_freq.to_value(u.GHz))) wavelength = ac.c / obs_freq A_p = 0.89 # pylint: disable=invalid-name A_s = 0.98 # pylint: disable=invalid-name eps_p = 480e-6 * u.m eps_s = 265e-6 * u.m delta = 2 * ((A_p * eps_p ** 2) + (A_s * eps_s ** 2)) ** 0.5 delta_ph = (2 * np.pi * delta) / wavelength eta_ph = np.exp(-(delta_ph ** 2)) eta_d = 1 - 20 * (wavelength / MEERKAT_DISH_DIAMETER) ** 1.5 eta = eta_f * eta_ph * eta_d else: raise RuntimeError("bad dish_type: %s" % dish_type) eta = eta.to_value(u.dimensionless_unscaled) return eta
[docs] @staticmethod def dish_fwhm(obs_freq, dish_type): """ Calculate the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the dish at the observing frequency. :param obs_freq: the observing frequency :type obs_freq: astropy.units.Quantity :param dish_type: the type of dish :type dish_type: DishType :return: the fwhm :rtype: astropy.units.Quantity """ if dish_type is DishType.SKA1: fwhm = 66.0 * u.deg * (ac.c / obs_freq) / SKA_DISH_DIAMETER elif dish_type is DishType.MeerKAT: fwhm = 66.0 * u.deg * (ac.c / obs_freq) / MEERKAT_DISH_DIAMETER else: raise RuntimeError("bad dish_type: %s" % dish_type) return fwhm
[docs] @staticmethod def mid_core_location(): """ Return the astropy EarthLocation of the SKA Mid core site. The data are taken from Wikipedia as astropy does not yet hold site information for the SKA. :return: the location of the SKA Mid core site :rtype: astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation """ # astropy doesn't have data for the ska at the time of writing location = EarthLocation( lon="21d24m40.06s", lat="-30d43m16.068s", height=1000 * u.m ) return location
[docs]class Utilities: """ Class to contain generally useful methods """
[docs] @staticmethod def Tx(freq, T): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Function to apply correction to Rayleigh-Jeans temperature to describe the roll-off at high frequency of 'Johnson noise' in a resistor. Typically denoted by adding a subscript "x" to the temperature """ if np.any([freq < 0.0 * u.Hz]): raise RuntimeError("negative frequency: %s" % freq) if np.any([T < 0.0 * u.K]): raise RuntimeError("negative T: %s" % T) hvkT = (ac.h * freq) / (ac.k_B * T) # pylint: disable=invalid-name return T * (hvkT / (np.exp(hvkT) - 1))